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"null": unknow._type_ || objectType[] || nodeType[unknow.nodeType] || (unknow == unknow.window ? "Window": "") || "object"; }; })(); $53.isObject = function(unknow) { return typeof unknow === "function" || (typeof unknow === "object" && unknow != null) }; $53.isPlainObject = function(unknow) { var key, hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; if ($53.type(unknow) != "object") { return false; } if (unknow.constructor && !, "constructor") && !, "isPrototypeOf")) { return false; } for (key in unknow) {} return key === undefined ||, key); }; $53.kfextend = function(depthClone, object) { var second, options, key, src, copy, i = 1, n = arguments.length, result = depthClone || {}, copyIsArray, clone; $53.isBoolean(depthClone) && (i = 2) && (result = object || {}); ! $53.isObject(result) && (result = {}); for (; i < n; i++) { options = arguments[i]; if ($53.isObject(options)) { for (key in options) { src = result[key]; copy = options[key]; if (src === copy) { continue; } if ($53.isBoolean(depthClone) && depthClone && copy && ($53.isPlainObject(copy) || (copyIsArray = $53.isArray(copy)))) { if (copyIsArray) { copyIsArray = false; clone = src && $53.isArray(src) ? src: []; } else { clone = src && $53.isPlainObject(src) ? src: {}; } result[key] = $53.kfextend(depthClone, clone, copy); } else if (copy !== undefined) { result[key] = copy; } } } } return result; } $53.kfextend($53, { $: function(id) { return d.getElementById(id) ? d.getElementById(id) : null; }, EN: EN, DE: DE, isStrict: isStrict, counter:1, //计数器 data: function(key, value) { if(typeof value == 'undefined') { return $[key] === undefined ? null : $[key]; } else { $[key] = value; } }, trim: function(text) { //return text == null ? 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"; path=" + options.path : "") + (expires ? "; expires=" + expires.toUTCString() : "") + ("; domain=" + (options.domain ? options.domain : location.hostname)) + ( ? "; secure" : ""); }, getCookie: function(key) { try{ if((facilitator_id == "36" || facilitator_id=="24" || local_cookie == 'localStorage') && window.localStorage && window.sessionStorage){ if(typeof window.localStorage.getItem(key) == "string"){ var dataObj = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem(key)); if (new Date().getTime() - dataObj.time > 0) { return ""; }else{ return; } } if(typeof window.sessionStorage.getItem(key) == "string"){ return window.sessionStorage.getItem(key); } } }catch(e){} if ($53.isCookieKey(key)) { var reg = new RegExp('(^| )' + key + '=([^;]*)(;|$)'), result = reg.exec(document.cookie); if (result) { var value = (result[2] === undefined || result[2] === null) ? '' : result[2]; } } if ('string' == typeof value) { return DE(value); } return ''; }, isCookieKey:function(key) { // return (new RegExp('^[^\\\\x00-\\\\x20\\\\x7f\\\\(\\\\)<>@,;:\\\\\\\\\\\\"\\\\[\\\\]\\\\?=\\\\{\\\\}\\\\/\\\\u0080-\\\\uffff]+\\x24')).test(key); return (new RegExp('^[^\\x00-\\x20\\x7f\\(\\)<>@,;:\\\\\\"\\[\\]\\?=\\{\\}\\/\\u0080-\\uffff]+\x24')).test(key); }, setKfCookie:function(data){ //设置主域名53kf.com下的cookie data为二维数组 [['name1','张三',0],['name2','李四',3600]] 第三个参数为过期时间 0:回话 -1:永久 时间戳:过期时间 var _this = this; var url = "//"; var param = new Array(); for (var i=0;i').replace(/&douhao/g, ",").replace(/&jinghao/g, '#'); }, creElm: function(o, t, a, loc) { loc = loc || 0; if(companyid === '72202088') loc = 1; var b = d.createElement(t || 'div'), c = (a || d.body || dd); for (var p in o) { if (!o.hasOwnProperty(p)) continue; p == 'style' ? b[p].cssText = o[p] : b[p] = o[p]; if(p == 'id' && $53(o[p])) $53(o[p]).parentNode.removeChild($53(o[p])); } if (!loc) return c.insertBefore(b, c.firstChild); else return $53.insertAfter(b, c.lastChild); }, insertAfter: function(newEl, targetEl) { var parentEl = targetEl.parentNode; if(parentEl.lastChild == targetEl) { return parentEl.appendChild(newEl); }else { return parentEl.insertBefore(newEl,targetEl.nextSibling); } }, createScript: function(id,url){ $53.creElm({ 'id':id == '' ? 'hz6d_script_' + Math.random() : id, 'src':url, 'charset':'utf-8' },'script',head); }, before: function(html, elem){ var frag = d.createDocumentFragment(), div=d.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = html; frag.appendChild(div); return (elem.parentNode || d.body || dd).insertBefore(div.firstChild.cloneNode(true), elem); frag = null; }, after: function(html, elem){ var frag = d.createDocumentFragment(), div=d.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = html; frag.appendChild(div); return $53.insertAfter(div.firstChild.cloneNode(true), elem); frag = null; }, insertFixed: function(html){ // 图标嵌入固定模式用 // $53.ready(function(){ var script = $53.getKFscript(), elem = null; if (script.parentNode == head) elem = $53.before(html, d.body.firstChild); else elem = $53.after(html, script); }); }, getTimeTo24: function(){ //get senconds time from now to tomorrow 00:00 var d1 = new Date(), d2 = new Date(); d1.setDate(d1.getDate() + 1); d1.setHours(0); d1.setMinutes(0); d1.setSeconds(0); return (d1.getTime() - d2.getTime())/1000; }, json2str : function(json,code){ var arr = []; var encode = code == 'urlencode' ? $53.EN : function(data){return data}; for(var i in json) { if (json.hasOwnProperty(i)) { arr.push(i + '=' + encode(json[i])); } } return arr.join('&'); }, addEvent : function( obj, type, fn ) { if ( obj.attachEvent ) { obj['e'+type+fn] = fn; obj[type+fn] = function(){obj['e'+type+fn]( window.event );} obj.attachEvent( 'on'+type, obj[type+fn] ); } else { obj.addEventListener( type, fn, false ); } }, removeEvent : function( obj, type, fn ) { if ( obj.detachEvent ) { obj.detachEvent( 'on'+type, obj[type+fn] ); obj[type+fn] = null; } else { obj.removeEventListener( type, fn, false ); } }, callBackPhone:function(data){ //var data_json = eval('('+data+')'); var data_json = data; if(data_json.code == 0){ location.href='tel:'+data_json.msg; }else{ alert("客服繁忙!"); } } }); //对外开放接口 $53.kfextend($53, { $: function(id) { return d.getElementById(id) ? d.getElementById(id) : null; }, EN: EN, DE: DE, isStrict: isStrict, online : 'false', terminal : 'pc', openurl : '', workers : [], groups : [], groupIds : [], popParam : '', apiArr : [], uuid : '', host : '', sign : '', callBackArr:{}, isTalk:'', talkApiArr:{}, createApi:function(){ var api = new _53API(,this.terminal,this.openurl,this.workers,this.groups,this.groupIds); this.apiArr.push(api); return api; }, setOnline : function(online){ = online; }, setUrl : function(url){ this.openurl = url; }, setTerminal : function(terminal){ if(terminal == 'mobile'){ this.terminal = 'mobile'; } }, apiOnload : function (terminal){ if (this.talkApiArr.type != undefined) { var client_api = $53.createApi(); client_api.openClinet(this.talkApiArr.type, this.talkApiArr.group_id, this.talkApiArr.worker_id, this.talkApiArr.id6d); } }, setIsTalk : function(isTalk){ this.isTalk = isTalk; $"is_talk",isTalk); try{ if(typeof handle_is_talk == "function") handle_is_talk(); }catch(e){} }, setWorkers : function(workers){ this.workers = workers; }, setGroups : function(groups){ this.groups = groups; for(var i=0;i40) return _this.reback('601','custom_info length cannot exceed 40'); var script_id = 'kf_script_guest'; var url = hz6d_alias_host+'/kfapi_guest.php?company_id='+companyid+'&guest_id='+hz6d_guest_id+'&u_cust_id='+id+'&u_cust_name='+name+'&email='+email+'&qq='+qq+'&phone='+phone+'&company='+company+'&address='+address+'¬es='+notes+'&custom_info='+custom_info+'&id='+encodeURIComponent($53.uuid); $53.createScript(script_id,url); break; case 'status': return _this.reback('201',; break; case 'grouplist': return _this.reback('201',_this.groups); break; case 'workerlist': return _this.reback('201',_this.workers); break; case 'jzl': case 'mxsj': case 'xsgl': var data = $53.trim(_this.param.stat_id); _this.saveData(_this.param.cmd,data); break; case 'stat': var type = $53.trim(; var data = $53.trim(_this.param.stat_id); _this.saveData(type,data); case 'lword': var msg = $53.trim(_this.param.msg); if(msg == "") return _this.reback('601','msg is null'); var name = $53.trim( ? : ""); var email = $53.trim( ? : ""); var qq = $53.trim(_this.param.qq ? _this.param.qq : ""); var phone = $53.trim( ? : ""); var company = $53.trim( ? : ""); var address = $53.trim(_this.param.address ? _this.param.address : ""); var notes = $53.trim(_this.param.notes ? _this.param.notes : ""); _this.saveLword(_this.param.cmd,msg,name,email,qq,phone,company,address,notes); break; case 'callphone': var id6d = $53.trim(_this.param.id6d ? _this.param.id6d : ""); var call = $53.trim( ? : ""); var worker_id = $53.trim(_this.param.worker_id ? _this.param.worker_id : ""); var reg = /^((0\d{2,3}-?\d{7,8})|(1[3-9]\d{9}))$/; if(call != "" && !reg.test(call)) return _this.reback('601','error call'); // if(id6d=="" && worker_id == "") return _this.reback('602','worker_id and id6d cannot be empty at the same time'); _this.savePhone(call,id6d,worker_id); break; case 'callpriphone': var worker_id = $53.trim(_this.param.worker_id ? _this.param.worker_id : ""); _this.savePriPhone(worker_id); break; case 'comeinfo': var title = $53.trim(_this.param.title); var logo = $53.trim(_this.param.logo); var content = $53.trim(_this.param.content); var curl = $53.trim(_this.param.curl); var sendtype = typeof _this.param.sendtype == "undefined" ? '0' : $53.trim(_this.param.sendtype); _this.saveCinfo(logo,title,content,curl,sendtype); break; case 'custmsg': var msg = $53.trim(_this.param.msg).replace(/<[^>]+>/g,""); var type = $53.trim(_this.param.type);//0不打开窗口,1打开浮框,2打开新窗口 if(msg == "") return _this.reback('601','msg cannot null'); var callback = ""; if(type == "1"){ if(_this.terminal == 'pc'){ callback = "hz6d_startReautoTimer2(3)"; }else{ callback = "change_kf_openurl()"; } }else if(type == "2"){ if(_this.terminal == 'pc'){ callback = '"'+_this.openurl+'","_blank","height=600,width=800,top=200,left=200,status=yes,toolbar=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=no,location=no,titlebar=no")'; }else{ callback = 'location.href = "'+_this.openurl+'"'; } } _this.saveCustMsg(msg,callback); break; default: return _this.reback('601','error cmd'); break; } }, = function(type,zdkf_type,kf){ var _this = this; var param = kf != '' ? ('&zdkf_type='+zdkf_type+'&kf='+kf) : ''; if(_this.terminal == 'mobile'){ _this.setPopParam(param); change_kf_openurl(param); } }, this.openkf = function(type,zdkf_type,kf){ var _this = this; var param = kf != '' ? ('&zdkf_type='+zdkf_type+'&kf='+kf) : ''; if(type == 'new'){ var url = _this.openurl+param; if(_this.terminal == 'pc'){,"_blank","height=600,width=800,top=200,left=200,status=yes,toolbar=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=no,location=no,titlebar=no"); }else{ location.href = url; } }else{ if(_this.terminal == 'pc'){ _this.setPopParam(param); hz6d_startReautoTimer2(3); }else{ show_mobile_chat(); } } }, this.openClinet = function(type, group_id, worker_id, id6d) { var _this = this; if(((group_id != '' && (worker_id != '' || id6d != '')) || (worker_id != '' && id6d != ''))){ console.log('worker_id and group_id and id6d can only choose one'); } var zdkf_type = 1; var kf = worker_id; if (id6d != '') { var workers = $'workers'); id6ds = id6d.split(','); kf = ''; var tmpid = ''; for(var i=0; i < id6ds.length; i++){ if (typeof workers[id6ds[i]] == 'undefined') { tmpid = id6ds[i]; }else{ tmpid = workers[id6ds[i]].worker_id; } if (kf != '') tmpid = ','+tmpid; kf = kf + tmpid; } } if(group_id != ''){ zdkf_type = 3; kf = group_id; } if(type == "new" || _this.terminal != 'mobile') _this.openkf(type,zdkf_type,kf); else,zdkf_type,kf); } this.saveData = function(type,data){ $53.sendData(type,data); }, this.saveLword = function(type,msg,name,email,qq,phone,company,address,notes){ $53.sendLword(type,msg,name,email,qq,phone,company,address,notes); }, this.savePhone = function(call,id6d,worker_id){ $53.callPhone(call,id6d,worker_id); }, this.savePriPhone = function(worker_id){ $53.callPriPhone(worker_id); }, this.saveCinfo = function(logo,title,content,curl,sendtype){ $53.comeInfo(logo,title,content,curl,sendtype); }, this.saveCustMsg = function(msg,callback){ $53.addCustMsg(msg,callback); } this.openUrl = function(url,resize){ //内部调用接口 用来点击打开咨询页面,"_blank","height=470,width=702,top=200,left=200,status=yes,toolbar=no,menubar=no,resizable="+resize+",scrollbars=no,location=no,titlebar=no"); }, this.reback = function(code,info,clear){ //返回信息 var _this = this; var data = {}; if(code == '201'){ data = {code:code,cmd:_this.param.cmd,info:info}; 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break; case 'onBlur': eventStr = 'onblur="'+_this.app_name+'.getAppObj(\'icon\',\'lot\').onBlur()"' break; default: break; } return eventStr; } /****************************************手机图标类结束*************************************/ /****************************************手机抽奖类结束*************************************/ function Lotto(){ this.icon = document.getElementById("lotto_icon"); this.l = document.getElementById("lotto_redpacket"); this.d = document.getElementById("lotto_decorate"); this.r = document.getElementById("lotto_round"); this.i = document.getElementById("lotto_inp"); this.m = document.getElementById("lotto_message"); this.w = document.getElementById("lotto_win"); this.b = document.getElementById("lotto_btn"); this.t = document.getElementById("lotto_btntext"); this.s = document.getElementById("lotto_s"); this.n = document.getElementById("lotto_name"); this.p = document.getElementById("lotto_phonenum"); this.u = document.getElementById("lotto_statu"); }; Lotto.prototype = { // 抽奖图标font-size初始化 lotFontSize:function(){ var _this = this; 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this.s.innerHTML = "(60s)"; this.n.value = ""; this.p.value = ""; = "none"; }, // 抽奖状态切换(待添加验证:该手机号码已领取奖励) lottoChange : function(award_id){ var _this = this; if(!obj) var obj = _this.b; if(_this.b.getAttribute('data-class') == 0){ _this.b.setAttribute('data-class',1); = "none"; = "block"; = "block"; = "block"; _this.t.innerHTML = "立即领取"; = "inline-block"; clearInterval(_this.timout); _this.s.innerHTML = "(60s)"; _this.timeGo(); }else if(_this.b.getAttribute('data-class') == 1){ var mobil = /^1[3-9]\d{9}$/; if(_this.p.value == ""){ _this.statuSh("请输入手机号码"); return false; }else if(!mobil.test(_this.p.value)){ _this.statuSh("请输入有效的手机号码"); }else{ var script_id = 'kf_script_award'; var name = _this.n.value; var mobile = _this.p.value; var callBackFunName = "award_callback_"+new Date().getTime(); eval(callBackFunName + '= function(data){_this.createResult(data)}'); var url = hz6d_alias_host+'/client/kfapi_award.php?company_id='+companyid+'&style='+hz6d_style_id+'&guest_id='+hz6d_guest_id+'&name='+encodeURIComponent(name)+'&mobile='+mobile+'&award_id='+award_id+'&callback='+callBackFunName+'&device=2'; 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_this.s.innerHTML = "("+count+"s)"; if(count == 0){ clearInterval(_this.timout) = "none"; } },1000) }, // 获取焦点 onFocus : function(){ if( $'mobile_chat').chat_bottom != 2 ){ if(document.getElementById("mobile_minchat_div")){ document.getElementById("mobile_minchat_div").style.display = "none"; } } }, // 失去焦点 onBlur : function(){ if( $'mobile_chat').chat_bottom != 2 ){ if(document.getElementById("mobile_minchat_div")){ document.getElementById("mobile_minchat_div").style.display = "block"; } } }, iconTalk : function(){} }; /****************************************手机抽奖类结束*************************************/ /****************************************手机邀请框类开始***********************************/ function _53_mobile_ivt(ivt_set){ var _this = this; _this.isOnline = $'is_online') === '1'?true:false; _this.ivtElm = null; _this.is_open = ivt_set.is_open; _this.invite_off = ivt_set.invite_off; _this.invite_left = ivt_set.invite_left; _this.invite_top = ivt_set.invite_top; _this.invite_area = ivt_set.invite_area; 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